Janney and the Y Tri

Just Try It!

Janney and the Y Triathlon at North Park - July 23rd at 7:30AM

Held annually, the race is one of the longest-running triathlons in Pittsburgh. Community members, families, and teams from near and far gather every year to participate in this premier community sporting event. We are excited to welcome you to another amazing year filled with exciting additions, sponsors, giveaways, and more!



Start your race in the beautiful and scenic North Park Swimming Pool. Your laps will be counted by our amazing volunteers and your personal cheerleaders dedicated to making sure you are at your best! Complete 700 meters in the pool, equivalent to 14 laps, then head to the transition area to grab your bike and go!


Head to the transition area to grab your waiting bike and head to the road for a 12-mile, 5-loop trek through parts of North Park sectioned off for the race. The challenge of this leg is the various uphill points and changes in elevation. With friends, family, and others cheering you on, this is where you kick it into gear!


Through the large overarching trees of North Park, you will run the trails around the entire bike course on our trail path. This beautiful and fun end of the course is the perfect way to end for a well-deserved pat on the back and refreshments and entertainment at the Triathlon Festival. Congratulations!




Registration will close on Wednesday, July 19.  After that date, no entries will be accepted.

Note that once online entry closes, on July 19, the race is closed.


Virtual Walkthrough (7PM on Thursday, July 13)
In-person walkthrough (4PM on Sunday, July 16 at the pool)

For all those who are interested.  We will be reviewing the entire course, including reviewing how the swim will be conducted, cycling one loop of the course, and running the entire 5K Trail Run (very slowly).  There is no fee.  Swim and Bike are somewhat weather permitting.  If no thunder or lightning we will run the course.  Hope to see you there.


Athletes may pick up their race packet Saturday, July 22, from approximately Noon (when the Kids Triathlon awards end) to 3PM at the race site  (North Park Swimming Pool, South Ridge Rd, Allison Park, PA  15101).  Goody bags and race chips will be given out at this time, as well as body marking done.

There will be an athlete briefing beginning at 2PM on Saturday at that same place as packet pick up.

Athletes may also pick up their race packet/have body marking done on race morning.

Race Results – www.runhigh.com

Previous years' results may also be found here.  Race has always taken place in July/August.  The name does change somewhat from year to year, with either ‘North Park’ or ‘Janney’ in the name.

This race is a sanctioned USAT race.

An Excel spreadsheet will be sent to all athletes on Thursday, July 20 with everyone’s start time.

Nitty Gritty Details About How the Race Will be Run

Start Time – Sunday, July 23, 2023 – 7:30AM

The swim portion of the race will be conducted in 12 lanes of the pool.  Lane 1 will be in the deepest water and lane 12 will be nearest the shallow end.  48 people will begin with each wave, 4 people in each lane.  The people with lower race numbers will be in the deeper lanes (i.e. the lower number lanes).  In other words, race numbers 1-4 will begin in lane one, 5-8 will begin in lane two, and so on.  In the second heat, race numbers 49-52 will begin in lane one, 53-56 will begin in lane 2, and so on.  Two people will begin on each end of the lane, with even numbers beginning nearer the transition, and odd numbers on the other side.  All swimmers must begin in the water.  You are not allowed to dive.  Between the two people starting in the same lane, the same side, the faster swimmer should lead.  If unsure of who is faster, the person with the lower race number should lead.  While swimming, it is extremely important that you swim on the right-hand side of the lane.  In other words, you will be swimming circles in the lane.  If you need to pass, you will pass to the left, or in the center of the lane.  When exiting the water, the odd numbers will run left, around the pool, and run to the transition.  To offset the advantage that the even numbers have, they will have to exit the water to the RIGHT, run around a cone that will be positioned on the concrete near the deep end of the pool, and then run to the transition area.  The waves will begin on 25 MINUTE intervals.  Therefore, race numbers 1-48 will begin when the clock reads 0:00, race numbers 49-96 will begin when the clock reads 25:00, and so on.  If you fail to complete the 700 meters in the allotted 25 minutes, you will be asked to get out of the pool and finish your swim in the ‘slow swimmer lane’.  As long as you can finish your 700-meter swim, you will not be disqualified regardless of your time.  The distance of the swim is 700 meters, i.e 14 lengths, i.e. 7 laps, i.e. seven ‘up and backs’.  You will enter the transition from the ‘back’, on the side near the pool.  As we have done in the past years there will be a Slow Swimmer Lane.  We welcome all athletes to our race and are aware that some are ‘aquatically challenged’.  Therefore, we will set aside a lane for these slower swimmers to finish their swims so as not to impede the progress of the next heat.  If a swimmer arrives back at the wall they began in, without completing the entire swim, in over 21:00, the swimmer will be asked to exit their lane and move to the Slow Swimmer Lane.  In that lane, they will finish their swim.  Note that the Slow Swimmer Lane will not be utilized during the last heat.  No athlete will be disqualified from the race due to how long it takes them to complete the swim.  While swim caps will be available at check-in we encourage all athletes to bring their own swim caps. Besides trying not to waste swim caps, the different swim cap (colors) brought by athletes helps the lap counters keep track.

The bike course will consist of approximately 4 3/4 circuits.  Each circuit will begin on the four-lane road near the transition area.  It will begin first by heading away from the pool.  The bikers will bike on the connector heading toward Pie Traynor field.  Then, the bikers will complete the 1.4-mile South Ridge loop.  The cyclists will then veer right onto the connector, then right again onto the four-lane road.  If on one of the first four circuits, the bikers will follow this road to the stop sign.  If on the fifth and last circuit, the bikers will follow this road until seeing markings to bear left.  There will be a marking (A bright star made of duct tape) on the road just before they veer off.  On the fifth circuit, the bikers will bear left, and follow the cones to the transition area to finish the bike portion, keeping the playground next to them on their left.  If on one of the first four circuits, the bikers will turn left at the stop sign onto Hemlock road.  On Hemlock road, the bikers will actually be biking on the wrong side of the road from the stop sign until the next (left) turn.  This left will take them back onto the four-lane road.  The bikers will bike straight, and uphill until passing the start/end point for the circuit, then veer right onto the connector to begin the next circuit.  Please ensure that you pass over a timing chip located on the bike circuits, about 100 meters before the race/run finish.  These will be analyzed after the race to ensure that everyone has done the correct about of loops.  If for some reason you don’t go over the mat or your chip doesn’t register, don’t stress as we will be able to figure that out based on other readings.

The run portion will start in the same direction as the bike portion, with the run course beginning by bearing slightly to the right of the beginning of the bike course.  Just before entering the grass/woods, runners will have to cross the path of the bikers.  Please be careful and if in doubt, the runner should give up the right of way to the biker.  Except for the beginning and end of the run portion, the runners will be running on trails.  The run portion will end on the four-lane road, on the other side of the pool from the transition area.  The runners will be fed onto this four-lane road and they will finish in the far right lane.  Once completed with the race, please be careful when crossing the path of the bikers.  The course will be primarily marked with plastic disks/cones.  There will also be people on the course to guide you, and there will be a water stop.

There is a gate that the athletes will pass through when moving from the swim portion of the event into transition.  We will set up two ‘paths’ through this gate; one for competing athletes and one for spectators.  Be careful not to get in the athlete's way if walking through this area.  Also keep in mind that there is another gate to the pool area, located near the pool building.  If looking at the front of the building, from outside the pool area, this gate would be to the left of the building.

Each biking circuit is approximately 2 1/2 miles.  Familiarize yourself with this course before the race.  Know exactly where you are going.  Know exactly when you will be turning off the circuit on the fifth loop.

You must walk/run your bike in the transition area.  You are NOT allowed to mount your bike until the ‘BIKE MOUNT’ sign.  Also, you MUST dismount your bike at the ‘BIKE DISMOUNT’ sign on the road.  Ignoring this may be grounds for disqualification or a time penalty.

You may NOT draft on the bike.

Anyone not completing at least 5 loops (4 ¾ loops) on the bike will be disqualified.

Bikers must avoid the far right lane from the point they enter the four-lane road after the 1.4-mile loop, until the stop sign at Hemlock Road.  There will be runners finishing in this lane.



When you put your helmet on, make sure you fasten the chin strap.


The swimmer must run into the transition area and transfer the chip to the cyclist at their respective place on the bike rack.  Like the individual triathletes, the biker may not mount his/her bike until the BIKE MOUNT at the beginning of the bike course.  Also, like the individual triathletes, the cyclist will have to dismount his/her bike at the BIKE DISMOUNT at the end of the bike course.  The cyclist will run his/her bike back to their respective place on the bike rack, and transfer the chip to the runner, who may then proceed.  All team members must have their arms numbered.  The plan is to start the Team awards as soon as all the teams have finished.


You will complete the swim and bike portions of the race the same as the Triathlon athletes.  You will finish when you go over the Bike Finish timing mat.

The pool area will open around 6AM

You may use the bathrooms/locker rooms in the pool area, located in the building area near the shallow part of the pool.

Swimming warm-up will begin around 7AM   (shallow lanes will remain open throughout the event for those in later heats to warm up)

This race starts at 7:30AM

USA Triathlon asks that all sanctioned races use the athlete’s age as of the end of the year.  We are in compliance.  Your age for this race is your age as of December 31, 2023. 





Due to the race being run in the heat, the transition will remain open all morning.  Only athletes will be allowed into transition.  Once the race begins we ask that athletes do what they need to in transition as quickly as possible and be respectful of other athletes that are racing.  Also, once the race begins only competing athletes will be allowed to bike on the course.


The bike course consists of five loops in which the fifth loop is a little shorter as athletes as directed to the transition.  In previous years we had a timing mat set up close to the race finish which we tried to funnel bikers too.  This year the mat will be moved to the last part of the loop, about halfway up the hill.  Also, this year we will have a ‘forced funnel’ that will ensure that bikers will go over the mat.

Even with our best efforts, there will be situations in which our results will not count as a loop on the bike or situations in which an athlete does not complete five loops (go over the mat four times).  At the finish of the race, unless the athlete tells us differently, we will assume that the athlete did five loops.  In previous years, before the race results were sent to USAT, we analyzed the results and removed anyone who we felt did not complete five loops.  That will happen again, as well as righting any wrongs in the way awards were handed out at the finish. 

Note that in our analysis we have all athletes’ times, including bike start, loop splits, and bike finish.  This allows us to determine if an athlete did, in fact, cross the mat but it was simply not recorded.


Swim warm-up will be permitted in the area between where the race is contested and the shallow area.  The race will be contested in the lanes in the deepest area of the pool.


This year we will be adding a timing mat to the end of the bike.  This means that the following mats will be on the course:

Bike Start
Bike Loop Counter
Bike Finish           (For Aquabike athletes this will be the Race Finish)
Run Start
Run/Race Finish



This year we are doing something new!  Athletes competing for prize money (Open and masters) will compete in the Elite wave and will only be eligible for prize money and not age group awards.  All other athletes will only be competing for age group awards.

Again, something new this year.  In the past, we experienced long delays before our awards ceremony.  This was due to having to wait until all heats were finished to determine the age group winners.  The long wait for awards is something we want to get away from – nobody enjoyed waiting so long and when the awards happened the vast majority or the people had left already.  It is our intent to give out awards to age group/Team athletes as they cross the finish line.  To facilitate this, we will be grouping all athletes for each age group into the same wave.  Not sure which age groups will start in which wave; we will let the numbers determine that.  As athletes cross the finish line, they will be asked to be patient for a minute or two while we check our lists and determine if they finished in the top three in the age group.  If so, they will receive their award at the finish line.

Because of how age group/team awards will be given out, there will be no age group/team awards ceremony. 


Prize purse for the Elite athletes:

Overall Elite
1st - $600
2nd - $400
3rd - $200

Masters Elite
1st - $300

A $125 bonus will be paid for breaking the course records below:

Male – 55:29
Female - 1:05:17

The age groups are as follows for Individual Triathlon

Overall – 5 award
Masters (40+)  1 award

Age groups:  3 awards

14 and under
75 and over

The age groups are as follows for Aquabike

Age groups: 1 award
14 and under

75 and over

The divisions for Teams:
1 award per category

Male (M)
Female (F)
Mixed (X)


Established 1997


(individuals only, no teams)

Category Men Woman
Total 55:29    1:05:17
  John Reed, 2022  Beth Shutt, 2012
Swim 8:59  10:07
  Eric Limkemann,2004 Kathleen O’Dell, 1997
    Katie Siegal,2002
Bike   28:40   33:14
  Zachary Giegel, 1997  Joan Wolfe-Baxter, 1998
  27:24**   31:25**
  Mike Meehan, 2019    Beth Shutt, 2012
Run   16:29 20:20
  Matt McWilliams, 2018 Mollie Hebda, 2010

**  Beg. In  2001, Swim/bike (T1) trans. times put into the swim times

Before 2001, the swim split was taken near the exit of the pool area




The YMCA hosts several one-day special events such as the Janney and Y Triathlon throughout the year where volunteers are always needed. These events include fundraisers or community service awareness efforts to support the Y’s initiatives. Special events are a great opportunity for large groups to volunteer together but work on different tasks that are of interest to them.

There are many benefits of volunteering including learning new skills, sharing your knowledge and expertise, meeting new people, finding a place to belong and making new friends all while helping your community improve its overall health. All volunteers receive training to ensure safe and efficient operations in our child care, camp, youth, special events and health and fitness programs.